Translating chaos into life saving solutions.
From viruses to hurricanes, Lockheed Martin, in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control, has amassed a humongous amount of catastrophe data.
The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta deals with a variety of disasters worldwide and has amassed a large repository of invaluable data. This data, organized and managed, helps cut disaster response time down considerably and derives solutions that work.
The CDC, together with Lockheed Martin, developed an entire suite of applications. They utilized a worldwide database that includes details from past tragedies like natural disasters and viral outbreaks. These applications can now be used by local, state and federal entities to both evaluate and make remedy recommendations by sourcing necessary items and personnel and coordinate the logistics down to shipping and booking airline tickets. They wanted us to help market it to them. Sounds pretty serious, huh?
So how do you explain a massive software solution to city governments?
The software suite Lockheed Martin and the CDC developed had adopted a name over time that read more like a paragraph than a title. We distilled what the applications actually do down to 3 things: ENGAGE, EVALUATE and EXECUTE – or e3. Simplification of the top level uses of the suite was the key to ensuring consumer understanding and buy in.
These people know their business, but when it came to marketing their product they reached out for an objective take. We named the application suite, created the logo and added a commercial look to the packaging and collateral. We also developed collateral for use in trade shows, conventions and sales